
GPS tracking software: standalone is gaining momentum over hosted

Before using a GPS tracking and telematics service, integrators or enterprises often wonder where to host the software. Apart from hosted solutions, providers of white label GPS tracking and telematics platforms offer on-site installation also known as on-premise. And some providers can offer a cloud solution that can be hosted on the AWS Marketplace.

Each option has its own criteria, which encourage integrators or enterprises to make the right choice. We will consider on-premise and cloud hosting options, show its pros and cons, and help you decide whether it suits your business or not.

Security matters

Sometimes companies prefer to store data on their side, because it is more reliable to have a database around: no one has access, and a company understands clearly how the system is protected. By the way, this allows to scrupulously meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that came into force on 25th of May 2018. Standalone option means you are responsible for your customers’ personal data and can manage data safety or introduce new security measures on your own.

There are also companies with strict in-house policies regarding the data security measures. For example, companies that work with the government structures like police, telcos, banks, etc.

Compliance with the state laws and regulations

Strict data safety regulations can be introduced directly by the government. Some of the states or countries, such as Turkey and Sudan, oblige companies to process and store all the data within the country. Thus, the on-premise and cloud options are practically the only way to make your GPS tracking business legal.

One-time cost

Advanced GPS tracking and telematics service providers or enterprises, which have their own servers and the technical team, find it more profitable to be standalone. Running a platform on your own servers means to purchase the product without monthly fees.

GPS tracking software operates faster

Local hosting makes software performance faster. So, if a server and a user located in the same region, the latency will be lower. Therefore, the customer will use a fast-running GPS tracking service.

Make the right choice

Let's summarize and define standalone pros and cons to help you make the right choice.


  • Get direct access to database
  • Comply with local laws and regulations
  • Meet corporate policy and requirements
  • Faster service performance
  • No monthly service fees


  • Expenses on server hardware
  • In-house or outsourced sysadmin team
  • Extra costs for software updates

If you need more information about standalone solutions, please contact Navixy specialists ([email protected]) to get all the necessary information.

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