
Leading the way in BLE telematics: spotlight on TOPFLYtech solutions in the Americas

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors are emerging as pivotal tools in telematics. These sensors, known for their low power consumption and high functionality, are revolutionizing how we track and manage mobile assets and fleet operations. From monitoring vehicle machinery to ensuring cargo safety, BLE sensors are the silent, yet powerful, force behind many of today's telematics innovations.

At Navixy, we're witnessing a significant shift as leading manufacturers increasingly adopt BLE technology in their hardware solutions. In particular, we’d like to recognize the innovations of TOPFLYtech, a company that has made tremendous strides in recent years. Their current series of devices showcases a wide range of sensors supporting BLE 5.0 that offer extended range coverage, exceptional battery life, and commendable versatility. These features, enhanced by over-the-air (OTA) software updates, have contributed to TOPFLYtech’s growing popularity in LATAM and, more recently, North America.

To encourage the adoption of BLE technology and to support the innovations of our partners like TOPFLYtech, Navixy provides solutions that are easy to deploy and maintain. In the following sections, we'll explore how Navixy's platform seamlessly integrates with TOPFLYtech devices, enhancing the capabilities of telematics systems and providing users with a more comprehensive and efficient tracking experience. This integration represents not just a technological advancement but a step forward in meeting the complex demands of modern fleet management and logistics.

Ensuring quality in transit: tackling cold chain challenges with Bluetooth

One of the most illustrative uses of BLE technology is undoubtedly in cold chain logistics. Picture yourself managing a fleet responsible for transporting perishable goods. Each truck or van is more than just a vehicle; it is a vital mobile storage unit where conditions like temperature and humidity must be meticulously controlled. In the high-stakes world of cold chain logistics, even a slight deviation in temperature or an unauthorized opening of cargo doors can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage.

As a logistics manager, the integrity of perishable goods such as food or pharmaceuticals is paramount. Failing to maintain the required conditions could result in spoiled goods, resulting in substantial losses and potential contract terminations with retailers or manufacturers. Moreover, there's the risk of violating health and safety regulations, potentially leading to legal repercussions and tarnishing the company's reputation. These challenges highlight the crucial need for a reliable, real-time monitoring system to ensure strict adherence to transport conditions.

Now, imagine the transformation in the professional life of a logistics manager upon integrating BLE telematics through Navixy's platform. You're no longer just overseeing a fleet; you're deeply connected to every critical aspect of its operation. Envision yourself tracking the exact location of each vehicle, with the confidence that the refrigeration units are functioning perfectly whether the trucks are in motion or at rest. The precise temperature of your valuable cargo is not an uncertainty but a clearly monitored and known factor, giving you peace of mind and control over your logistics operations.

BLE's role beyond cold chain in diverse industries

While cold chain logistics presents a naturally compelling use case for BLE technology, the scope of its application extends far beyond this area. BLE's versatility makes it a critical asset in a wide range of industries and applications. This includes heavy vehicles used in construction, specialized machinery in agriculture, and other sectors where monitoring and controlling cargo and attachable equipment is vital.

In these sectors, BLE technology is not just about tracking temperature or door status, but also comprehensive oversight of equipment usage, movement, and environmental conditions. Whether it’s ensuring the efficient operation of construction machinery or monitoring the use of agricultural equipment, BLE provides invaluable data that can optimize performance and prevent costly downtime.

This extensive applicability of BLE telematics showcases its potential for system integrators working on diverse projects across various industries. Understanding the full capabilities of BLE can help integrators evaluate its utility in their current and future projects, ensuring they leverage this technology to its fullest potential, regardless of the industry they serve.

Exploring the capabilities: in-depth integration of TOPFLYtech devices

System integrators are increasingly acknowledging the robustness and functionality of TOPFLYtech devices, especially in LATAM and North America. The integration of these devices into Navixy's platform presents a comprehensive solution, particularly for the nuanced challenges of cold chain logistics.

To further enhance the capabilities of system integrators with advanced telematics solutions, Navixy offers seamless access to a broad spectrum of functionalities—including the diverse features provided by TOPFLYtech's devices and sensors, smoothly integrated into the Navixy platform. This ensures ease of configurability and accessibility, streamlining the implementation process. Additionally, the Navixy support team is always on hand to assist with any specific scenarios or setup requirements. The following is an in-depth overview of various sensor types, with a particular focus on those from TOPFLYtech, demonstrating their effective utilization within the Navixy ecosystem:

Temperature and humidityBy adding a Bluetooth sensor of this type, the platform will record data into ble_temperature_[N] and ble_humidity_[N] fields. This allows for the creation of virtual or measurement sensors for both. Data collected from these sensors will be available for analysis in reports and alerts.
Tire pressure and temperatureThis sensor type captures data related to tire pressure and air temperature, storing it in ble_tire_pressure_[N] and ble_tire_air_temperature_[N] fields. The information gathered can be accessed in reports and alerts, providing crucial data for vehicle maintenance and safety.
Panic buttonThis feature is specifically used for SOS alerts.
Hardware Driver ID keyThis sensor functions as a driver ID key, helping in driver identification and vehicle access control.
Door sensorData from this sensor type is saved into the door_state_[N] sensor. It functions as a standard virtual or measurement sensor, with its data being accessible for reports and alerts. However, it cannot be displayed as a discrete sensor in the widget interface.
BLE fuelFor certain device models, this can be mapped to the ble_lls_level_[N] sensor. However, it's important to note that not all models support this mapping due to the configuration widget being designed for universal application without specific model-to-sensor mapping. In cases where the sensor type is not specified for a model, the sensor data will not be recognized.
BLE relayCan be effectively utilized as an anti-theft measure. This technology enables remote control of vehicle functions, enhancing vehicle security and preventing unauthorized use or theft. An interesting aspect of the relay is its automatic data assignment to the hardcoded output state in the Navixy widget upon creation. The control of this output can be managed as usual from the Navixy widget interface.

Combining Navixy's platform with TOPFLYtech's devices, we at Navixy offer a practical BLE telematics solution to enhance fleet management. This integration, tailored for system integrators focused on automating business processes, provides enhanced functionality and operational efficiency. Here's an overview of how this synergy improves logistics operations:

  • Easy connection and configuration
    Navixy's platform simplifies the connection and remote configuration of various TOPFLYtech devices and Bluetooth sensors. This integration enables real-time monitoring of critical parameters such as temperature and door status to ensure that cargo conditions are constantly within the required thresholds.
  • Visualizing data and automating responses
    With Navixy, data from BLE sensors is not just collected but transformed into actionable insights. The platform enables the visualization of this data in comprehensive reports, making it easy for managers to review and make informed decisions. Furthermore, Navixy facilitates the creation of rules for automated notifications, alerting the relevant personnel when parameters deviate from the set norms.
  • API and no-code techniques for customization
    For technical teams, Navixy’s API and no-code techniques offer the flexibility to customize solutions to fit specific business needs. Whether it's integrating with existing systems or developing tailored alerts and reports, Navixy provides the tools necessary for a fully customized telematics solution.

To configure a TOPFLYtech’s Bluetooth sensor within the Navixy system, the process can be generalized into a few straightforward steps:

  1. Connect the Bluetooth sensor: Begin by connecting your Bluetooth sensor to your device. Use TFTBLE - the TOPFLYtech specific application (Google Play and App Store) to get the MAC address of the sensor.
  2. Check the Bluetooth sensor is connected to the device in the mobile application.
  3. Access the Bluetooth widget: Navigate to the “Devices and settings” tab on your Navixy interface. Go to the Bluetooth portlet and select the “Add Bluetooth sensor” button, which will open a configuration window.
Add a Bluetooth sensor in Navixy

4. Set the ID field: In the configuration window, you'll find the ID field. This is used to assign a unique sensor number (e.g., ble_lls [N]). The “N” in this field will be utilized for identifying the sensor during the creation of measurement or virtual sensors.

Set ID field
Choose BLE sensor type

5. Enter the MAC address: The MAC address, which you previously found using the TOPFLYtech application, should be specified here. The address of each Bluetooth sensor is unique and crucial for system recognition and communication with the sensor.

6. Select the sensor type: Finally, choose the appropriate sensor type from the options provided. It's important to select the type that most accurately corresponds to your sensor’s function, such as a door sensor or temperature sensor. To do so, go to “Sensors and buttons” and add a virtual or measurement sensor. See an example of adding a door state sensor on the picture below.

BLE virtual sensor in Navixy

7. Get Bluetooth sensor readings in the widgets: Go to the “Monitoring” menu and double click on the device from your object list.

Bluetooth data in Object list

8. Get a report of the sensor's readings: Go to Reports and choose one of the report types which is suitable for your needs. For example, choose “Equipment working time” report for door states.

Equipment working time report

The broad impact of BLE in telematics

Delving into specific applications of various devices within Navixy's platform, we uncover the vast potential of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors in telematics, opening up significant opportunities for integrators. This approach, as demonstrated with the above case with TOPFLYtech, highlights the expansive capabilities of BLE technology in enhancing fleet management and asset tracking solutions.

At Navixy, our goal is to simplify solution development to provide system integrators with versatile and efficient tools for capturing, visualizing, and sharing rich IoT data from vehicles and assets. The adoption of low-energy Bluetooth technology has made numerous applications across various industries possible, applications that were previously unfeasible. Seeing the diverse array of applications implemented by Navixy's partners, all utilizing this technology to improve telematics solutions, is even more fascinating.

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