
Watch now: Introducing Navixy video telematics

Did you know that Navixy now supports cutting-edge video telematics? To help partners take full advantage of everything our fleet management platform has to offer, we’ve made a how-to video that covers the basics of this new integration. You’ll learn about device activation, using the livestream, accessing history and playback, setting alerts, and scoring employees for safety.

If you still have questions or are interested in hearing more about video telematics, be sure to contact us today.

Key functions of Navixy video telematics

Navixy is proud to offer high-quality live video to our partners to help them monitor fleets with intelligent insights. In addition, our platform makes it possible for users to review playback and event video of incidents, add event-triggered alerts, and rate driver safety to identify training opportunities.

  • Activating a new video device
  • Accessing the livestream
  • Playback and event video
  • Setting alerts
  • Driver scoring

You can take your GPS tracking and fleet management capabilities to the next level with video telematics from Navixy. From easy access to live and past video to integrating alerts for enhanced visibility, our video solution arms businesses with the modern tools they need for success.

Be sure to call or email us with your questions or to schedule a demo.

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