
Integration update: 130+ devices supported by Navixy

Despite a summer jam the list of Navixy supported devices keeps growing on a daily basis. This time our developers have successfully integrated a full range of new models from Naviset, Redview, Meiligao, Meitrack, Moralwinkh, Gubloos, Zixia and Queclink.

Quantity means Quality

As usual, we have paid particular attention to support the unique features of new models, i.e. technical peculiarities, which allow reaching complete device functionality and make it convenient to use.

Thus, the procedure of activating our new devices does not imply any manual configuration. The devices will be configured 100% automatically, with minimum amount of SMS commands and maximum employment of GPRS protocols. All the devices also have a backup geolocation feature using LBS cell towers.

Satellite connection parameters and location update intervals for the Naviset Iridium devices can be easily set up with a portlet in the user account. The list of Queclink devices has been enforced with the new CDMA based GL300VC model. Its activation is automatic as well using MEID and a special CDMA internet connection profile. Personal Gubloos T1 mini tracker can be also easily managed using the intuitive portlets for setting up such of its unique features as two-level sleep mode and LED indication.

Added functionality for previously added devices

In spite of adding new models, we keep adding functionality and updating communication protocols for the previously integrated devices. Such enhancements have been recently tailored for Concox, TopFly Tech, Naviset, Coban, and Teltonika devices.

If you wish to integrate new devices, or add new features to the previously integrated models, please feel free to contact us.

We are excited to grow as you go.

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