
Making the first impression count: perfecting your telematics product demo

One of the frequent challenges faced by Telematics Service Providers (TSPs) is creating compelling, realistic demonstrations of a platform's capabilities for potential customers. Setting up a demo account, populating it with relevant data, and tailoring it to reflect the specific needs and contexts of potential clients is not only time-consuming but also requires deep familiarity with the platform's extensive features.

This issue becomes even more pronounced for TSPs offering a self-onboarding experience. In such scenarios, customers often navigate through an empty or minimally populated account without direct communication with a sales representative, which hardly showcases the system's full potential and utility.

Recognizing these challenges, Navixy has developed Demo Presets to streamline and enrich the demonstration and onboarding experience. These presets come loaded with pre-configured data and settings that mirror real-world scenarios and enable partners to instantly present a vibrant, fully functional version of the Navixy platform. This approach not only saves time for sales representatives and standardizes their processes but also provides a more engaging and informative first experience for potential clients, laying the foundation for a deeper understanding and appreciation of what Navixy can offer.

Maximizing the impact of Navixy's Demo Presets for TSPs

Navixy's Demo Presets are effectively pre-configured environments that are created by Telematics Service Providers (TSPs) and made immediately accessible to end customers upon their first login. These preset scenarios can be integrated into the special Demo account, available on both web and mobile app login pages, catering to customers who prefer a self-onboarding experience. Additionally, these presets can be replicated across various accounts, including those used by sales representatives for their customer demonstrations.

Such a demo environment, which is fully customizable by the TSP, typically features an array of vehicles that actively move around the streets of selected cities. These vehicles are not just moving icons on a map; they generate real-time sensor data, such as fuel levels and telemetry, providing a dynamic and interactive experience. Additionally, the environment is enriched with geofences, Points of Interest (POIs), detailed information about drivers and vehicles, and assigned tasks. This comprehensive setup allows users to fully explore the system's functionality with data that demonstrates real-world application. Users can navigate this rich, simulated environment either independently for a self-onboarding experience or with the guidance of sales representatives to ensure a thorough understanding of the system's capabilities.

To offer a clearer insight into the practical application of our demo environments, below are details about commonly demonstrable features and their customization options:

Platform’s moduleDescription
Fleet ManagementIdeal for organizations with vehicle fleets, this module offers features like real-time tracking, route optimization, and maintenance scheduling, streamlining fleet operations and reducing operational costs.

Demonstrable features: Showcase extensive capabilities in fleet management, including realistic data from enhanced GPS device emulators: variable speeds, parking data, and sensor readings like fuel levels, ignition, temperature, and onboard voltage.
Customization capabilities: Tailor routes and stops to demonstrate different scenarios. Routes pass through geozones and places in the chosen region, enabling event tracking and report generation. Maintenance tasks and driving quality reports are planned in the “Maintenance” module.

Employee MonitoringBest suited for businesses with mobile workforces, this tool provides location tracking, task management, and timekeeping functionalities, enhancing employee productivity and operational oversight.

Demonstrable features: Utilize mobile app tracker X-GPS to show GPS monitoring of field employees.
Customization capabilities: Set up regular tasks for employees and customize notifications about their completion status.

ReportsEssential for data-driven organizations, this feature generates comprehensive analytics on fleet and staff performance, fuel usage, and other operational metrics, facilitating informed strategic planning.

Demonstrable features: System capabilities for telematics data analysis are showcased with weekly reports on trips, geofence visits, fuel consumption, and speed control.
Customization capabilities: Adjust the types of reports generated based on specific business needs.

NotificationsCrucial for proactive management, this component delivers instant alerts on fleet activities, employee status, and critical events, enabling organizations to respond swiftly and effectively to operational needs.

Demonstrable features: Demonstrate the flexibility of event notifications in the fleet through pre-set event control rules: geofence entry/exit, speed limit breaches, task completions.

Customization capabilities: Customize notification rules and triggers to suit specific operational scenarios.

Regional SettingsTailored for globally diverse or region-specific businesses, this function allows for the customization of language, currency, and measurement units, ensuring the platform is locally relevant and user-friendly for different operational contexts.
Demonstrable features: Showcase the system’s effectiveness in different regions, including tailored mapping capabilities that align with the geographical preferences of potential customers.
Customization capabilities: Modify settings to include local language, date and time formats, currency, and measurement systems, along with the option to choose map sources and layers, and center maps around cities relevant to the user's location.

How to set up and optimize Navixy's Demo Presets

Now, let's delve into the practical use of Navixy's Demo Presets. Setting up a new demo environment is a straightforward and user-friendly process. In the following guide, we'll walk you through creating and customizing your demo account, assuming you're starting from scratch and don't yet have a Navixy instance. However, if you already have an existing Navixy instance, you can directly proceed to step 3 of this guide.

1. Create a Navixy instance: Start by registering on the Navixy Customer Portal. You have the option to use a Google or Microsoft account, or you can create one using the traditional login and password method.

Navixy Portal login page
Navixy Portal home screen

2. Activate a free trial: After registering, activate the platform's free trial version to create a new instance. This new instance will serve as your access point to Navixy's features.

Navixy instance

3. Access the Admin panel: Once your free trial is set up, you will get access to product management features, the Admin panel, and the Navixy web version.

4. Navigate the Admin panel: Within the Admin panel, you'll immediately find device emulators and a test user, both set up for demonstration purposes.

Navixy admin panel

5. Log into the Demo Account: Log in as the test user to access the demo account, which is pre-populated with data to display all the platform modules.

Navixy platform demo

You have the option to make the demo account accessible for customers who prefer self-onboarding. They can easily access it by clicking on the “Demo login” option found on the instance’s sign-in page and in the X-GPS Monitor mobile app. To get an idea of how this functions, you can visit

In further customizing your demo account, you'll find that the presets are not only feature-rich from the start but also highly adjustable. With your new instance, you can tailor the content to suit your needs, adding your own data or modifying what's there. This flexibility extends to the Admin panel, where you can adjust branding and service settings to ensure the demo aligns with your business's identity and customer service strategy.

Enhancing TSP operations with Navixy's Demo Presets

By automating demo accounts, Navixy significantly reduces the time and effort our partners need to invest in effectively presenting their services to end customers. This efficiency enables TSPs to quickly engage with potential clients, showcasing the full capabilities of their offerings in a more impactful manner.

Navixy's commitment to its partners goes beyond simply providing a feature-rich white label platform. We also focus on enhancing all aspects of TSP operations, from simplifying the initial customer onboarding experience to efficiently managing device fleets.

With this in mind, we invite you to create your Demo account and experience the difference firsthand. If you need guidance or assistance, our Customer Success Managers are ready to assist you at every step. And if you're not yet a part of the Navixy family, sign up for a Navixy instance today and start your journey towards enhanced telematics service and improved customer satisfaction.

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