
Novacom GNS-GLONASS 7.3

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Novacom GNS-GLONASS 7.4 is advanced AVL terminal that can be used in fleet management. Using this device a consumer can control a vehicle status and location.

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It is equipped with internal and external GPS/GLONASS and GSM antennas. The device has a lot of inputs (up to 8) and outputs (up to 4) including RS232, RS485 and 1-wire interface.

It has special features like advanced overspeed alarm and a voice communication module that works in handsfree mode.

GNS-GLONASS 7.4 CAN has an ability to switch in CAN port and read an onboard computer data.

It also has a dual SIM card port and the ability to recharge from outside sources and built-in battery.

Conexão do servidor

Servidor da (
Servidor dos (
Porta do servidor47753
Auto cadastroSim

Informação geral

Peso199 g (7.02 oz.)


Nível do sinalSim

Informações de localização

Nível de sinal GNSSSim


Controle remoto das saídasSim
Leitura de ID do motoristaSim


Entradas digitais4
Número de saídas4
Sensor analógicoSim
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